The video below gives some advantages and disadvantages of using wind energy.


If you didn't catch all of the pros and cons in the video, here they are.


~Wind energy is environment-friendly, as no fossil fuels are in use.

~Wind turbines actually take up LESS space than the average power station.

~New technologies are making the extraction of this enregy more efficient.

~Turbines are a great resource for urban land and the countryside.

~When combined with solar energy, they provide reliable supply of electricity.



~Wind is an unreliable source of energy by itself as it is not continuous.

~Wind turbines generate alot less electricity than the average fossil fuel power station.

~The constructing of wind turbines can be expensive and lots of animal and plant (trees) habitats will be destroyed.

~The turbines usually cause alot of noise pollution and that isn't good for people living near.

~Windmills are very, very big and it will cost acres of land for just one.




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