Here are some tips for conserving energy:
~Turn off the lights when there is no one in the room.
~Use the "green" light bulbs (the swirly kinds) instead of the cheaper ones (bulb shaped).
~When you need light to do work, open the curtains! Use electricity only on cloudy days or at night.
~Walk, bike or take public transit  when you are traveling a short distance.

~Encourage yourself, friends and family to use wind energy sources (a renewable energy source) for electricity rather than nonrenewable sources of energy.

 This video is all about the life of an energy-conserving person. In the end, all of his colleagues followed his example of using as less electricity as possible. You don't have to go as far as him, but you should always try your best to conserve energy. Try walking to school/work or using "green" light bulbs. More conservers, more time until all our fossil fuels will be used up. 

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